Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wohoo for one follower!!

Thanks you to my one and only follower (so far) for joining in! Welcome to my life!

Okay- time to be a bigheaded mommy for one min. Today, we traveled to a friend's baby shower. It was fun, and Emma was such a good girl! There were a couple of people there that I didn't know and of course they did the common "oh your baby is so cute" thing. Well, there was this one chick there who kept on saying: "Wow, your daughter is so beautiful, oh she is a cutie" on and on for the whole time! I am flattered really, and thats because I am not sure where she got her looks from, but yeah she is cute! How do you respond to that? I say thank you, but what if the person keeps on saying it? Anyways, it still kind of made me feel kind of good! That coupled with the comments that we get about her crawling early (I didn't think that was early) and now she is pulling herself up and walk with behind things, it makes me proud I guess. Although, I know that really she was formed by God, knit together perfectly for her purpose in life! So, yeah already at 7 months I am proud of her, hopefully all her gifts and talents will be used for the glory of God!

Also, I don't know if this will change once she gets older, but whenever we spend an evening away from her I am always so eager to be back with her! Tonight we went to a farwell dinner for husband's boss(thats a story in and of its self)! It was nice to get dressed up, have a nice dinner, and have adult conversation. But- at the end of the dinner a bunch of people were going back to the bar area and milling around drinking and socialzing. Normally, I would of stuck around (to socialize, drinking hasn't been appealing to me lately) Instead, I felt like stopping quickly at starbucks and getting back to me little sweetie! I must be growing up! lol. Oh well, this is my boring update for the night!

Enjoy some pictures of my cutie!

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