Saturday, January 31, 2009

Emma's Birth Story

The previous post shows that I went to Bethanie's baby shower, she mentioned she hadn't heard my Emma's birth story. That reminded me that as I have talked about it a lot, I have never written it down! So here goes!

June 4, 2008

I was 7 days overdue. So, I had an appointment, and a non stress test at my midwife's office. The tests showed that Emma was doing fine. However, I was uncomfortable..I finally decided that I was ready to be induced. My midwife gave me the number to Labor and Delivery at the hospital and told me to call in the morning to see when they can get me in.

June 5, 2008
I wake up at 6am having mild contractions, sporadic in timing however. An hour later I wake husband up and ask him to time the contractions. After having some promising contractions that were 5-7 mins apart they start to get even more sporadic! Def not in labor. I call the hospital at 8:30, they say there are no rooms available call back at 10. I call back at 10, and they still don't have any rooms. Finally, at 12:30 they call and tell us to come in! Here we go. We arrive at the hospital and are finally all settled in our room by 2ish. At 4 my midwife shows up and checks me, I was 2cm dilated. She gives me cervadil and have to lay for two hours afterwards. Forgive me because this is where the details get alittle sparse, I don't remember everything. By the evening time I am def uncomfortable. Husband and I do some walking around and talking. By 11pm the nurse comes in and asks me if I want anything to help me sleep. I accept (that was a bad idea).

June 6, 2008
I sleep for a couple of hours, and wake up feeling tired and out of it! I was groggy just about all day from that stupid drug! By 6am I am in a lot more pain. Actually, asked for an epidural then...I knew I didn't want it but I was in a mood! Midwife comes and checks me and I am only 4cms! At this point I am ok'd to go labor in the tub, and I gladly accept that offer. The Jacuzzi tub was a God send to me. It didn't take the pain away, but it relaxed me. I could even fall asleep in between the contractions. All through the day my contractions are getting more intense and I spend the time walking the halls and laboring in the tub. I think around 1 or 2 my midwife comes in a checks me again. At this point I was only 5-6 cm dilated (boo!!). She suggests that although its taking a long time I am making progress- which was about 1/4 centimeter an hour. I decide to keep laboring without pitocin or epidural at this point since its confirmed that there is something going on. Husband and my mom were tired at this point as well, and could tell that they wanted to hurry this along lol. I think midwife comes in again at 4ish, I hadn't made any more progress at this point. She very politely suggested that I have pitocin a long with an epidural. She said that the epidural was more so I could rest! I accepted w/o hesitation at this point! There goes my all natural child birthing experience. 6ish I have the pitocin and an epidural, and I have a smile on my face! I turn TLC on and watch what not to wear :) I get some sleep and everything is good.

June 7, 2008
At about 12am I start feeling a lot of pressure, and let me tell you it wasn't pleasant! I get checked and I am 9cm, so they don't want me to start pushing quite yet. I spend about another hour or so, begging them to let me push! Finally, at about 1am(ish) I start to push, it lasted for an hour however it didn't seem that long! Finally at 2:04am weighing in at a healthy 7lbs and 11oz and 20 3/4 inches long. By 4am we are in our postpartum room and trying to get some rest!

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