Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Emma!

That is right...Emma is one year old today! Can ya frickin' believe it? Because I sure as heck can't! Other than dressing her up in a pretty dress for church today we didn't do too much special for her. Her birthday party is on Saturday and that will be a lot of fun. For youth group today we did smores, and called it Emma's b-day party! Of course Emma didn't get any smores though!
So Emma was born at 2:04am 6/7/08. I happen to wake up at 2:36 this morning and was up for about an hour and just thought back to labor and deliver and the first couple of weeks with her. Other than the troubles we had Breastfeeding Emma was such a great nb! She slept threw the night by 2 months! And other than being up for feedings she never really woke up much at the night. Days were always easy with her. Other than, the couple of times Emma has had ear infections she is usually pretty good. Now, with that being said...I officially have a walker and climber on my hands so, its not so laid back around here anymore. She keeps me on my toes most days! But ya know what? I wouldn't change it for the world. Emma, has brought a new kind of joy to my life. The moment she smiles at me, I can't help but to smile back. The way she leans her head in when I say "Give momma a kiss" melts my heart. And don't get me started on her laughter . I can not help but to laugh when she is laughing. So, I will leave you with some pics of Emma as a newborn. I will be adding more pics of Emma as a Toddler soon, and also of her birthday party!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's 4am.

And I just ate a donut!

Emma woke up at 2am screaming and clinging to me. Then Rowdad woke up (or maybe he wasn't fully awake) because what he said could have made me blow my top. He said "Emma shut up" and then started lecturing her on why she should go back to sleep. Normally, this is something that would not come out of Dan's mouth to his 12month old daughter so, I am hoping he was half asleep and didn't realize what he was saying. I mean, that is the only explination to it....especially the lecturing part! However, do not frear he will get a verbal smack down from me in the morning whatever the case may be.

So, as I sit here watching Emma sleep, now I am wide awake! and hungry! So I debated...Do I want a donut, or a one of those yummy icecream cone sundaes. I decided to go with water and a donut. I don't feel bad one bit either.

Well, I am going to bed now...Good night.