Monday, February 9, 2009

8 month stats!

My little girl is 8 months old! Where has the time gone? Today, she had her 8 month appointment, no shots for once! However, they did do a hemoglobin test. They just pricked her big toe and that was it. Emma didn't even notice that it happened. The first results were kind of low so they pricked again. They were perfect the second time. However, it took me two hours to get out of that office today. I guess I went during the peek of cold/flu season, so doctors were busy and nurses were calling in sick. Emma and I were forgotten about at one time! Oh well, I am patient when it comes to waiting and luckily Emma was great during the waiting. So...

Emma Rose

Head-17inches (25-50 percentile)

Weight-21lbs (75-90th)

Height-29inches (above 95th)

So, I have a feeling Emma is going to be tall like daddy! Our little girl is so healthy and her milestones are all being met and exceeded. We go back when she is 10 months old and they do a milestones check I guess. A nurse will sit and play with her and check her fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and how much she is walking, and talking.

Our Dr also told us we can start giving her snacks and juice if we want to. So we started giving her those Gerber graduate puffs! I also got her some apple juice and watered it down. We took pics of the special occasion and I will post them once I get them off of my camera!

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