Saturday, May 9, 2009

Who would of thunk it?

Me- the grungy, purled haired girl (well used to be) is hawking make up! LOL. That's right I am now YOUR personal Mary Kay Consultant! I will soon have a web page set up where you can go there and directly order MK products from there. In the mean time if you are a MARY KAY lover and don't already have a consultant get in touch with me and I will be happy to get you what you need!

--------------------------------on another subject----------------------------------------------

Emma is sick, sick, sick! Well, really she isn't that sick! She started off the week with a double ear infection. Then she developed a fever and has not gone below 100.3 since Wednesday! We brought her into the Pediatrician's office today and she has one of two things. 1. Adneodvirus- basically if she has this within in the next two days or so she should break out in a rash, and then her fever will break and she will be okay! 2. Mono- seriously, my little girl might have the "kissing disease" lol! So, if by Monday she has not broken out in a rash and her fever has not gone lower than 1oo she will need to go get some tests done. If it is mono I think they will just let it run its course like option 1 but, for some reason (I guess to rule out anything else) the want her tested for it. I am hoping that any day time now she will break out in a rash so she doesn't have to have tests run!

My little girl is also growing up so fast! She is 11 months old! Standing she has had down pat for awhile now. This week she started taking steps! Now, just like standing was she only does it on her own. Wednesday my mom came over and brought with her iced coffees. Well, Emma wanted those. So as my mom and I were talking she had proceeded to walk towards the table where the iced coffees were! It was so great to see! It is rare though that we can stand her up and have her walk towards us.

We are also working on her b-day party plans. I had a friend from the MB message boards make her invites! I love them! There are polk-a-dots all of them! So, that is going to be our "theme" I found a great table cloth with brightly colored polk-a-dots yesterday at walmart! So, Naomi is going to be making the cake, with dots on them! IT is going to be so much fun! Emma is also going to be getting her one year photos taken next week! i can't believe we are doing all of this already!.

Well, that is life in a nutshell!! I am sure I will be back soon to share with you about my very first mother's day w/ a baby outside of the womb!

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