Friday, May 15, 2009

Mother's Day.

I just realized that I never wrote about my first Mother's day! It wasn't anything overly exciting but, it was a nice day. As usual we were up early getting ready for work but, waiting in the car for me was a card and a box of chocolates! Yum chocolate! We got to church and the sermon was all about mothers. It's really neat how much of a difference two years makes. Last year of course I was pretty pregnant with Emma on Mother's day. The year before that, I cried myself to sleep b/c church had been all about mothers and I just wanted to be a mommy! It was hard to go through but, I am proof postive that God gives you the desires of your heart!

Anyways, after church we went to Art's Jug in Watertown. It was a great peaceful dinner with just Rowdad, Emma, and I! Emma of course charmed all he waitresses...So much so that Monday at Cato(an awesome clothing store) our waitress was there and remembered her right away. After lunch we went to my mom's work and we brought her a card and flowers! That is also where we found that Emma had a wicked blow out diaper...poop everywhere! Thank you antibiotics (not)! So, her pretty mother's day dress was covered in poo. We got her all changed and she got to spend sometime with her Grandmother!

After going to my mom's work we headed over to the inlaws house for some hang out time there. I got a card and a bag of chocolates(that's just what I need, more chocolate). There, Emma had another blow out diaper - so we gave her a bath, and another set of clean clothes. Thankfully she was fine after that. Finally, we made it home and sat down and relaxed! We watched the finale of Celebrity Apprentice and went to bed. Overall not too bad of a day.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your first of many Mother's days to come!!
